I really thought getting the Regal Unlimited pass would be something to be excited about. I also was worried that this would happen; that I would feel less motivated to attend the movies. With Regal Tuesdays, you are obviously much more limited - you could see two movies back-to-back, I suppose, but otherwise you are relegated to seeing one per week. It's like all of my friends who had trampolines in their backyards when I was a young little kid, and I would ask them why they aren't playing on it every day, since it's always available. I guess when it's less exclusive, you are more likely to take it for granted.
I haven't seen a movie in several weeks, since getting the Unlimited. I have been busy-ish, sure... I've purchased several tickets since then, too - one for DRIVE-AWAY DOLLS, which I bailed on - and LISA FRANKENSTEIN, which I did see, but it left such a minor impact on me that I opted out entirely on reviewing it. I didn't hate it, per se, but I definitely did not enjoy it.
DUNE 2 was exciting for me. I haven't seen the first one from 2021. I haven't read the book, nor have I seen the David Lynch one. I've seen the Jodorowski documentary, which I loved when it came out, and have re-watched it a couple times since.
I ran into my friend Sean, who had recently watched DUNE 2 and planned on seeing it again. They recommended that I see it. Several other people that day had similar things to say, adding that I didn't really need to see the first one, and that the second one was more action-packed. It brought me back to watching Terminator 2 before Terminator 1 with my dad so very long ago - I loved it so much that I had to see the first one. I hoped DUNE 2 would bring back similar feelings.
The upstairs lounge area at Regal Delancey. Few dare to sit here, although I have from time to time.
I suppose I should let you know that now that I fell asleep through basically the entire first hour of the movie and then got up and left the theater. So I really don't have much to say about it... I was already annoyed with the theater experience, for one; my showtime was for 9:00, and the mother fucking film didn't start rolling until 9:30. 9 MOTHER FUCKING 30! This was a new record in my experience. I never fall asleep during the trailers, but my impatience led me to nod off before the title credits came on. I drifted in and out of sleep in the very top corner of the theater. I would wake up on occasion to see TIMOTHY CHALAMET and ZENDAYA's hot ass hanging out and talking, or this FELLOW going on about how the main guy was the chosen one basically. I don't know what it is about sand, it really just puts me to sleep. And there was a LOT of sand. Hence a LOT of sleep.
I wonder if I was talking in my sleep...? I am aware that I do it quite often. I have been told that I sound quite stressed, mumbling about something or rather. I smoked weed for a long period of time, and never had dreams. I quit about a year ago, and immediately developed terror-laden dreams almost nightly. They still occur, though at a more infrequent pace. Sometimes they are merely stressful, such as arguing with my mother in the garage, or dropping something small from a place up high. Still, they are rarely enjoyable. I would love to hire a dream therapist or something like that, but recently I decided that therapy is bullshit for pretty much no reasoon, so I doubt I will be doing this.
I liked what I saw of Dune. I probably saw 15 minutes total of screentime. There were a few explosions and things. Around 10:40 I realized that missing an hour of this thing would render a lot of the review pointless, and would keep me in Regal until 12:30. So I took the loss and left, after 15 minutes of contemplating it.
I decided to walk around and take some pictures, as it was a really nice evening - one of the first little bouts of springtime weather. Earlier that day I spent several hours at Seward Park with my friends Marcus, Sid, and Jesse, and the 65-degree weather had me wishing it would never end. The nighttime brings out a lot of different kinds of people than in the day though. I walked by groups and groups of people prancing from one bar to another. It makes me feel like an odd little person much of the time, but in a good way. I quit drinking some time ago, and I am well past the point of feeling some kind of FOMO from this kind of stuff. I mean, I can't imagine feeling FOMO for hanging out with a bunch of guys in faux-leather jeans at Clandestino or something, even if I was drinking.
A wonderful view of one of the greatest intersections in Manhattan.
I moved studios this week. My new studio is in the financial district, which puts me an extra mile away from Delancey Essex. There is a Regal near battery park, which is good, but I guess it isn't the same. On the other hand, Fidi will be much less distracting, I have been telling myself... much further from beautiful women and straight guys who act guy who get with beautiful women. Fidi has very little of that. There is a FIVE GUYS and like three STARBUCKS in a three-block radius. I don't really know what my point is. Again, I want to be clear that I did not watch DUNE 2 at all, really. I believe I would have liked it, but I can't be sure.
I used to never sleep in movies, is the fucky thing! I can name the movies I have fallen asleep during in the theaters before 2023. Armageddon in 1998 - I fell asleep during the final climax, and my older brother convinced me that the ending featured the entire Earth blowing up, including BRUCE WILLIS & company. It was probably a decade before I saw it again fully awake and learned that it was not the case. In 2012, I fell asleep during LINCOLN - I went to the movies on Christmas night with my girlfriend and her annoying neurotic father, and it was between DJANGO UNCHAINED and LINCOLN, and he insisted over and over on the latter. I slept through the entire film out of spite, waking up just in time to see Abe get his come-uppance. Not that his death was deserved, but who knows, maybe he put a booger in the bad guy's coffee or something.
Last summer I started enjoying the fruits of Regal Tuesday, and that's when the sleeping started taking off fierce. I attended a Times Square Regal showing of one of those Spiderman movies where it's animated interestingly, and slept through the first half, and then woke up and left, and got a horrible slice of BBQ chicken pizza around the corner. I guess this is the best part about being an alone kind of guy all the time. I can live a certain kind of lifestyle - maybe not one that even I condone, but nonetheless...
I guess you cannot park your car at this bike rack on this particular day... Peculiar.
As I mentioned earlier, I quit weed one year ago. Today was the anniversary of that, according to the app on my phone that has been tracking that the entire time. It's funny how things that seem so grave become to insignificant over time. The first month of quitting I would wake up in cold sweats, and I would on average get three hours of sleep. I would feel very temper-tantrum prone. I found it hard to be around people. I was fortunate to have people that would always want to talk, though. I started calling my dad more often. Before, I would hear from him every few months, but after my mid-sobriety, I found myself wanting to have a casual chat with him about Bill Maher or the St. Louis Cardinals. Now I call him when I'm at the laundromat or washing dishes, or when I'm thinking. I would also call my younger friend Jacob Dawkins, who I think is just a really cool person. I would call him and tell him I think I should just kill myself, but he would say how that would be an incredibly pussified thing to do, and that I have a really cool youtube channel, and that it changed his life. I thought that was the stupidest thing I ever heard, that videos of me doing pivot fakies could change some retardo's life in Orange County. But it was so stupid that I took it into account, and decided not to kill my damn self.
Anyways, my point - quitting crap is actually pretty easy. There are books on this kind of stuff. And there are people to talk to. My friend Dylan gave me magnesium, and that helped with my sleep. My friend Quentin sent me a False Alarm Fingerboard, which he makes, and it got me really into fingerboarding, which staved a lot of my impulses. I watched shows and movies that I used to like a lot.
An insignificant amount of trash. Somebody ate quite light for the week.
I enjoy my time now without the use of drugs and other things. For now - these things can change, and I would hate to be one of those people who say I will never do crap like that again. That'd be so embarassing if I was smoking drugs and then came back and read all of this shit.
I like walking around and taking pictures. I like watching movies in theaters, regardless of what this text leads you to believe. Maybe I really just don't like the movie. With this kind of thing, I normally relegate it to being the beige colors. The sand, it's the sand! I think there will be more movies coming out, and I will have more to say about them than I did with DUNE 2.
I understand if you aren't happy with this review. But hopefully you can take some solace in the fact that I am feeling at least somewhat happy.
One of my favorite spots by my old studio on Canal. Had to get a lick real quick.
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