Kind of sad for no reason

Kind of sad for no reason

Hey! Anyone else find something to be really sad but not sure why it comes off as sad. Not sure if that makes sense but I have an example of course.

OK. My example is from this movie called A Goofy Movie where Goofy and his son Max go all over this great country. And they stop at this roadside tourist attraction that has a mechanical possum band which I remember asking my own dad if this was real and he said he didn’t know. Goofy got Max a hat that looks an awful lot like a possum. The hat embarrasses Max greatly and so does just being there because it’s this real kitschy place and it’s there for super little kids and it’s so dated that it isn’t for them either it’s mostly for adults like Goofy I guess? And after an embarrassing thing happens and they’re leaving the tourist attraction Max gets really livid about his dad Goofy trying too hard to bond, and he yells and throws the possum hat out of the car window and it lands in a soggy puddle in the road. And the last shot is of the hat’s corpse soaking in the puddle. He looks sad (the hat). He looks sad to be discarded. For some reason I always pause this on the VCR and look at the shot of the possum lay in the puddle and I get really sad and hopeless feeling about stuff. But it’s really hard to explain why it’s sad because it’s just a hat. Anyone else have a thing like this?

Yeah! I do! As a matter of fact! Because I’ve actually seen that movie so yeah I know exactly why you find it sad! Because I do too! So… Yay! I pause it too when that all happens! And I actually have a few things that make me feel sad in the same way that that does! One of the sad things is this box of crayons that my mom bought for me when I was really damn little. I normally had crayolas but the ones that she brought home to me were not crayolas but rather Dollar General generic brand kind. It was just labeled as CRAYONS. She gave them to me and said that she figured I needed some new crayons cause she noticed I was drawing a lot more lately. And she was in Dollar General and thought about me. And I said thank you! And the box was yellow like you probably picture a box of crayolas. The difference was there was a little brown doggie on the front of the box with his tongue sticking out. He was a very happy dog and I felt like he was happy and thankful that I adopted him even though I had nicer crayons and wanted to keep him around. They were marginally crappier crayons but I colored in pictures of Bret Hart and my own made-up wrestlers that I would want to see in the ring. Even past the crayon’s expiration date I kept the box throughout my whole childhood because it felt wrong to throw it away. And it has all made me feel a strange sadness yet happy for years. And I don’t know which part makes me sad, so I know what you mean. Is it because it really is the thought that counts… And even dollar store crayolas are a nice gesture? Or is it the thought of somebody in the art department for budget versions of children’s toys and arts and crafts drawing up this little cartoon doggie? Like putting all their effort in for this small little thing to be sold in rural Missouri to a loving mother with bulging eyes to give to her son. I just didn’t feel right throwing him away. But I feel like in a way that’s what you mean.

Hi all,

Yeah i know or i think i know rather what you guys are talking about. I have seen goofy movie and been in dollar general and have felt sad at the possum hat and generic packaging in rural-zone dollar stores. The first time i remember feeling this way was going to a sporting goods store with my dad i think it was MC sports in the mall. And he was buying me a shiny baseball bat and nice colored baseballs because I was on the baseball team and he thought I should have a nice bat. He said I could choose any bat I want and I picked the one that was lime green and silver like my Mongoose. At the checkout line a dad and his son stood in front of us. They looked to be the same age as me and my own dad. And the son was holding a wiffle-ball bat and wiffle-ball combo, them both wrapped together in plastic. The dad had his hand on his son’s shoulder and they looked excited to play baseball. I don’t know why but this too has always made me feel sad yet happy to be feeling sad. I have discussed it with a couple different therapists, docs, and they all just kind of are like yeah that’s weird that it makes you sad but then just ask about other shit. So yeah I feel your pain. Have a great day.

Yeah a movie in particular called rugrats where a group of babies get in a dinosaur truck and venture into the woods and meet a group of escaped circus animals and fight for their life. And these babies talk, mind you (not the sad part). But then Tommy gets upset with his newborn brother Dill mostly just for being an annoying baby. And he threatens to pour a bunch of baby food on his face in the middle of a thunderstorm. But the tone is set in this way that it’s really dark as if the baby food is going to kill his newborn brother Dill. He doesn’t do it btw but it is needlessly dark at least in terms of babies. And it makes me sad but also i don’t know why. I watched it for the first time on video that Mom bought from the pharmacy and I couldn’t sleep that night because it made me feel dreadful. And the next morning before school i watched that part again several more times just to figure out i guess why it made me feel so worried. But i never really understood why. But I’ve always been worried.